Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Koleksi Persembahan Live BUSSEG (Circa 2005 - 2010)

BUSSEG. Font ala Burzum hehe...ini bukan logo yang rasmi, ok
Seperti yang telah dijanjikan, di bawah merupakan beberapa koleksi video persembahan live kami yang sempat di ambil oleh beberapa rakan. Aku memohon seribu kemaafan sekiranya kualiti video yang ingin dipamerkan adalah bertaraf kelas rendah, maklumlah zaman tu handphone hanya mampu ambil video berformat 3gp sahaja. Anyway , hope you guys enjoy the videos!

Busseg Live at Zoso Wars Battle of the Bands. Venue at Dewan Suarah Bintulu, Sarawak. Apparently this band chosen to be the champions amongst all other bands. BUSSEG won the competition and they took a trophy and RM500 as the prizes.

Samarkand (Bloodshed Cover)
Santapan Terakhir Raja Bersiong (Sil Khannaz Cover)

Din - Vocals
Nizam - Drums
Lai - Guitars
Adi Herman - Guitars , Backing Vocals

Busseg Live at Titan Empire's Rocktober Gig 2010
Venue: Regency Plaza Hotel, Bintulu
Date: 30th October 2010
Time: Approximately 8.00 pm

Nizam - Vocals
Din - Drums
Lai - Guitars
Adi Herman -Guitars,Backing Vocals

1. Torn To The Bone (Six Feet Under Cover)
2. Medley Songs - Inhale Exhale (Nasum) Genital Grind/Regurgitate (Carcass) Blood Sex Saliva (Cardiac Necropsy) Nazi Punk F**k Off (Napalm Death)
3. My Oath For Thee (Langsuyr Cover)
4. The Black-flames of Hatred (Necrotic Chaos Cover)

Kualiti agak kurang menyenangkan dan ianya adalah disengajakan.

Copyright of Metuk Ulau Underground Voices (Webzine & Distro)


  1. walaupun kualiti randah... dengar macam best! steady!

    1. Sori pasal kualiti video yg hampeh time gua janji ambik video lebih cantik lagi haha

  2. Steady jugak..!
    Masih menunggu dan teringin nak dengar vokal growl encik adi..hehe

    1. Oh saya hanya jadi penyanyi latar dlm band dan ambik part scream sahaja hehe...vokal growl nanti saya akan tunjuk pada entri akan dtg...


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