Monday, July 1, 2013

Stone Temple Pilots - Out Of Time (With Chester Bennington of Linkin Park) : Adakah Ianya Cuma Eksperimentasi Ataupun Akan Menjadi Kekal?

Rasanya banyak fans untuk band grunge / alternative rock Stone Temple Pilots sudah mengetahui bahawa single terbaru mereka yang bertajuk "Out Of Time" ada sedikit kelainan kerana ketiadaan vokalis asal iaitu Scott Weiland, ianya diganti oleh Chester Bennington dari band Linkin Park. Chester? Kenapa perlu Chester? Sudah tiada vokalis lain lagi ka? Despite of all the argument, what seems to be the magic is Chester is kinda suitable for the job. Ironic isn't it?

Ok mungkin ramai fans sudah maklum, pada bulan Februari yang lepas, Stone Temple Pilots telahpun fired Scott dari band tersebut atas beberapa perkara, diantaranya ialah masalah ketagihan dadah dan attitude problems Scott serta isu royalti dalam band tersebut. Posisi beliau digantikan oleh Chester Bennington atas dasar ada chesmitry walaupun Chester pada mulanya beranggapan ianya hanya jamming biasa sahaja. Ada juga khabar angin yang mengatakan Scott Weiland akan kembali menyertai superband Velvet Revolver (kerjasama dengan Slash) pada masa terdekat.

Jom check out single terkini bertajuk "Out Of Time" daripada Stone Temple Pilots bersama Chester Bennington. 

STP - Out Of Time (featuring Chester Bennington)

Yang ini pula versi live

Stone Temple Pilots - Out Of Time

Longing is the animal inside you when you bleed
Suffering is critical in finding what you need
Deliverance is evidence there's more than what you say
Pain is there the moment that you wake up from your dreams

Oh, I know you can't tithe
Oh, when you look inside yourself
You've got to cross that line
Yeah, you're running out of time

Loneliness is beautiful, it leads you home again
Happiness is overrated, joy is infinite
Liberate the hate you feel before it's permanent
Smile when it hurts, it works like mother's medicine

Oh, I know you can't tithe
Oh, when you look inside yourself
you've got to cross that line
Yeah, you're running out of time

You've got to learn your lesson to see what you've been missing
You've got to cross that line

Yeah, you've got to look inside
Yeah, it's time that you decide
Yeah, you've got to cross that line
Yeah, you're running out of time 


  1. Aku lagi suka scott dalam STP.1st album STP versi kaset aku penah beli jugak dulu..scott ni ok,tapi selalu bawak masalah dlm STP sejak dulu lagi.diorang penah cover lagu Led Zep,best jugak lagu tu..
    Suara Chester pun kena jugak la dengan band ni..

    1. Gua pun sebenarnya sependapat dengan lu bro, sebab Scott pun antara pengasas STP, byk lirik lagu dia buat, semuanya hits...album Core dan Purple memang memorable buat peminat rock era 90'an dulu regardless on what genre you came from wheither ur a metalhead, grunge fans or just plain rockers...

  2. Aku anak beranak layan Linkin Park....

    1. Bayangkan Linkin Park bawak lagu grunge...mcm ni la feel STP skrg haha...

  3. Aku layan Linkin Park jugak... STP aku blur... ok ok... dont layan me. hahaha saya country song punya orang.

    1. Dear sis, u never stop fascinate me with hiarious comment haha...most country girls are very well educated in things like music...hehe true story

    2. Perhaps you're right. but gimme Alan Jackson anytime of the day

  4. dulu masa STP tgh glamer...ada gak aku terpengaruh nak dengar...tak silap aku masih simpan kaset album no 2 dia tu...apa ek tajuknya...lupa dah aku....

    1. Album no. 2 tajuknya Purple, ada gambar budak kecik kat cover dia tu...ala chinese...dlm album tu ada lagu hits mcm Vasoline dgn Interstate Love Song, byk lagi best...nanti aku buat review utk album tu inshaAllah...

  5. pelik pulak suara Chester dengan STP, tapi kalau dapat buat full album mungkin agak menarik untuk kita check..

    1. Haha ingat aku sorang saja yg perasan, nampaknya Chester berusaha untuk ambil feel grunge macam yg ada pada Eddie Vedder, Layne Stayley, Chris Cornell mahupun Scott Weiland.

  6. ubatilah hati . layan dvd STP live att Wind City.

  7. Bing bang baby kat mana? Sesat lagi aku.

    1. Kena pakai GPS ataupun Google Map lain kali bro haha...

    2. Big bang baby dari album Tiny Music of the best album tu


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